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Trade for the week of 12/01/2023

We still own 100 shares of WW, and the stock it still low.  We will have to continue to make some "risky" CALLS to turn a profit.


StockCall/PutExpiration DateContractsStrikePremiumCashflowPercent
WWCall12/01/20231$ 8.00$ 0.05$ 5.0063%

Total cash flow so far: $122

And our expected yield for the year: 27%

Do you think we are building our fortunes on a house of cards? Will it all come tumbling down? Maybe you could do better post your thoughts in our Q&A section!

New to our $1000 Monday? Here is our pick for the week:

StockCall/PutExpiration DateContractsStrikePremiumCashflowPercent
VFSPut12/01/20231$ 5.50$ 0.05$ 5.0091%



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