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Trade for the week of 02/09/2024

Are you ready for another $1000 Monday? Last year we traded for 6 months and made 18%! Let's see if we can do better this year.

The market is starting the week off down. Are we seeing hesitation due good economic data? Or perhaps we aren't out of inflation yet? Let us know what you think?

Our pick this week is:

StockCall/PutExpiration DateContractsStrikePremiumCashflowPercent
MSOSPut02/09/20241$ 8.00$ 0.05$ 5.0063%

Total cash flow so far: $22

And our expected yield for the year:22%  

Remember all of our picks come from our Premium Data! What to just get solid information for stock to invest in for the long term? Our standard data has you covered!


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