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How do we pick our stocks for $1000 Monday?

We get quite a few emails asking us about our stock picking method for $1000 Mondays, so today we tackle this question.

This one is actually pretty simple. Every Monday we reference our Premium Data. We sort the data for anything that has 'Cash for 1 Contract' which is under $1000. This gives us ~20 stocks that fit our $1000 limit. Then we look at the particular stocks data, what percentage would we get, what is the delta and the gamma, and what is the criteria score? This further narrows our selection to a few stock that look promising. We take a quick peek at the stock's chart to see where it is generally headed, up or down. Then select the one that fits. The whole process takes less then 10 minutes.

Yes. We actually use the data that we provide. We wanted to make trading quick and painless, so we developed a process that works for us. We trade weekly using nothing more than the data you will find here and a stock chart that can be found on google or yahoo. Join our $1000 Monday and see for yourself!

Here is a sample of our data:

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